Minggu, 28 Juli 2013

Masks Exhibition

Assalamu'alaiukum wr. wb.

A few months ago, I visited kinda masks exhibiton with Puspa in my campus. It was held by fine art departement. The exhibition was located in Dekanat of arts and languages faculty, aka FBS. Yep, it's my faculty. Alhamdulillah I'm so glad to be the part of this faculty. There are tons of attractive program here. It's usually called as 'violet faculty'. There were a lot of unique masks which made me amazed!

The chubby one

South Africa style

my senior (next-door boarding house) made it :)

Let me borrow this mask for a while haha

my friend, Puspa

       I do Love art :)

“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." ~ Pablo Picasso

Wassalamu'alaikum wr. wb.